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solution:Failed to update database "XXX.MDF" because the database is read-only.


As usual I did Build - Publish Web Site and then copied and pasted the published directory to my web server. When browsing any of the web pages that use the SQL Server 2005 database I get this error message: Failed to update database "XXX.MDF" because the database is read-only.


This worked for me:
1) Make sure App_Data directory or any contained files does not have file system attribute Read-only set. (I had some files marked as Read-only)
2) Give user ASPNET and NETWORK SERVICE Modify control over the App_Data directory. (I had to add both these)
3) Run IISRESET to restart IIS to refresh its permissions.

and step 2 works here:

after selecting "properties on the "App_Data"directory,

1. Select the security tab

2. CLick on Add... under "Groupor User names:" table

3. On the next window, select Advanced, another window appears and on this, selectorrather click on "find now" and a list of Groups and Users should appear on the bottom table.

4. Click on ASPNET followed by OK, and the same on the next 2 windows.




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